Session 117:
Challenges of Changing Population Age Structures
Chair: Rebeca Wong, University of Maryland
Discussant: Wolfgang Lutz, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Discussant: T. Paul Schultz, Yale University
The Dynamics of Children's Schooling during the Demographic Transition in Brazil: Increasing Cohort Size versus Decreasing Family Size David Lam, University of Michigan ; Leticia Marteleto, University of Michigan
The Effects of Age Composition on Income Inequality: The Brazilian Case Andrea B. Simão, Federal University of Minas Gerais ; Claudia Julia Guimaraes Horta, CEDEPLAR ; Simone Wajnman, Princeton University
Swings in the Economic Support Ratio and Income Inequality Andrew Mason, University of Hawaii at Manoa ; Sang-Hyop Lee, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Epistemological Foundation for Treating Population Aging as a Causal Variable with Known Effects Leroy O. Stone, Statistics Canada ; Alexandre Genest, Human Resources Development Canada ; Jacques Légaré, Université de Montréal
Other sessions on Population and Aging