The "X" Factor: Birth-Spacers, an Under-Served Population: Demand and Responsiveness to Demand for Birth Spacing
Susan Eudy, Intrah/PRIME Project
William H. Jansen, Intrah/PRIME Project
Rich Mason, Intrah/PRIME Project
Dianna Frick, Intrah/PRIME Project
To better understand the relationship between demand and unmet need for family planning, desire to space or limit births, and variables such as age and parity, PRIME II conducted an in-depth analysis of DHS data from 15 countries on married women of reproductive age. Analyses focused on the influence of age and parity on demand for spacing and limiting and use of specific family planning methods. Differentials in met need for spacing versus limiting were also examined. Analyses demonstrated a sharply defined "X" pattern where demand for limiting supplanted demand for spacing based on age and parity of women. The age and parity levels at which this switch occurred varied, often substantially, among the 15 countries. The study also uncovered large differences among countries in met need for spacing and limiting. This research has important implications for how providers are trained to tailor messages to the needs of particular clients.
Presented in Session 91: The Antecedents of Unmet Need for Family Planning