Medicaid Managed Care and Infant Health: A National Evaluation

Robert Kaestner, University of Illinois at Chicago
Lisa Dubay, Urban Institute
Genevieve Kenney, Urban Institute

In this study, we use information from vital statistics and a unique survey of state Medicaid programs to examine the effects of Medicaid managed care on prenatal care utilization and infant health. Our analysis of infant health is particularly germane given the relative scarcity of such research and the heightened public concern with this particular issue. A second contribution of our analysis is that we differentiate between types of managed care models. Specifically, we obtain separate estimates of the effect of primary care case management, managed care plans, which are usually less than fully capitated, and HMO managed care programs, which are usually fully capitated, on prenatal care utilization and low birth weight. We also differentiate voluntary models from those that mandate participation in managed care.

Presented in Session 147: Infant and Child Health in the U.S.: Effects of Income and Social Programs