Session 43:
Social Environment and the Gradient in Health
Chair: Jens Ludwig, Georgetown University
Discussant: Jens Ludwig, Georgetown University
The Sense of Control and Health Outcomes: Evidence from the Americans' Changing Lives Survey Elizabeth M. Armstrong, Princeton University ; James S. House, University of Michigan
An Evaluation of the Effect of Participation in the Food Stamp Program on Future Mortality Patrick M. Krueger, University of Colorado at Boulder ; Richard G. Rogers, University of Colorado ; Cristobal Ridao-Cano, University of Colorado at Boulder
Income and Health Dynamics in Vietnam: Poverty Reductions, Increased Health Inequality Thang M. Nguyen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Barry M. Popkin, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Procedural Justice, Distributive Justice, and the SES Gradient in Health Laura L. Rudkin-Miniot, University of Texas ; Kushang V. Patel, University of Texas
Other sessions on Health and Mortality