Friday, May 10 / 2:30 PM - 4:20 PM   •   Fayette/Newton

Session 110:
What Demographers and Epidemiologists Can Learn From One Another

Chair: Amy Tsui, Johns Hopkins University

  1. Strengthening the Dialogue between Demography and EpidemiologyMaxine Weinstein, Georgetown University

  2. Epidemiology's Traditions and Obsessions That May Benefit DemographyDavid A. Savitz, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  3. Fertility/Reproduction: Where Epidemiology and Demography Converge?Allen Wilcox, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), NIH

  4. Biologic Measurement in Support of Demographic and Epidemiologic ResearchRonald H. Gray, Johns Hopkins University

Other sessions on Health and Mortality