Trends in Male Sexual Practices in Honduras

Jennifer Ballentine, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Suyapa Pavon, Ashonplafa
Ramon Enamorado, Ashonplafa
Paul Stupp, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The intent of this study was to analyze trends in male sexual practices contributing to HIV infection in Honduras. Nationally representative data on men's reproductive knowledge, attitudes and behaviors was collected for the first time in Honduras in 1996 and again in 2001. Findings from the 1996 survey indicate high levels of sexual activity with 85% of men reporting having ever had sex. Young age at sexual debut and infrequent/inconsistent condom use are common with 80% of 20-59 year-olds experiencing first sex before age 18 and only 13% of men using a condom at last sex. Multiple partners are also common, with 28% of men reporting having had sexual relations with 2+ partners in the year prior to the interview. This study analyzes, compares and contrasts 2001 data on these sexual practices with those reported in 1996. Trend data has been used to help identify program successes and gaps.

Presented in Session 82: Around the World with CDC Surveys on Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors Related to HIV/AIDS