Sequence, Composition and Geographic Bridging in Concurrent Partnerships: Evidence from Uganda

Wassana Im-em, University of Washington
Martina Morris, University of Washington

This paper extends previous research on concurrent partnerships in Uganda to examine how these partnerships are sequenced over the life course, the composition of the triads (index case and two concurrent partners), and the implications for transmission dynamics. The study is based on a representative sample of 1,428 adults aged 15-49 in 1993-1994 from Rakai District, Uganda. A local network module was used to elicit information on up to three of the respondents' most recent sexual partners. The results show younger women are at higher risk due to their network positions. While not themselves likely to report concurrent or multiple partners, their male partners have concurrent partners, thus putting them at risk. The results also suggest that persons with concurrent partnerships are embedded in more connected networks, creating local patches where transmission can be sustained, and contributing disproportionately to the geographic spread of HIV.

Presented in Session 2: HIV/AIDS Sexual Risk Behavior in Sub-Saharan Africa