Risk Factors Associated with Maternal Mortality in Matlab, Bangladesh
Md. Kapil Ahmed, ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research
A case-control study was undertaken to identify the demographic and socioeconomic risk factors associated with maternal mortality. The analysis is based on data of maternal mortality collected in Matlab, a rural area of Bangladesh during the 1989-2000 period. Both bivariate and multivariate techniques were used for data analysis. Results demonstrate that the major risk factors influencing maternal mortality are women's age, pregnancy order, and the preceding interval of pregnancies. Maternal mortality declines with women's education but it does not vary with socioeconomic status, namely the sine of dwelling space (a proxy of income). A mother having a pregnancy for the first time above age 35 needs special attention and care from family members, relatives, and health professionals for timely intervention towards medically associated pregnancy termination. Moreover, the existing MCH-FP programs must aim to achieve a higher standard of maternal and child health and family planning.
Presented in Session 14: Maternal Health and Mortality