Health Impacts of Co-Residence with and Care Giving to Persons with HIV/AIDS (PHAs) on Older Parents in Thailand
Jiraporn Kespichayawattana, Chulalongkorn University
Mark VanLandingham, Tulane University
Earlier work has established that older parents are key care givers for young adult PHAs in Thailand. This paper will explore more fully the duration, frequency, and types of care giving tasks performed by older persons who provide such care; and the extent and severity of a number of physical and emotional outcomes experienced by this group of older care givers. Outcomes include muscle strain, fatigue, head and stomach aches, insomnia, anxiety, general measures of well being, and an open ended category. Contrasts are made among those who give care to their ill child, those who co-reside only, those who live apart, and those who have not experienced the recent death of an adult child (the control group). Analyses are be based upon original survey data collected during 2000 that includes 394 cases and 376 controls. Finally, qualitative interviews of an additional 20 cases are analyzed.
Presented in Session 136: Emerging Mortality and Health Conditions in Developing Countries