Adolescent Reproductive Health in Japan: Demographic and Policy Dimensions
Ryuzaburo Sato, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan
A newly emerging situation in Japan in which fertility has fallen below the replacement level with higher marrying ages and few cohabitations, while the mean age for first engaging in intercourse is decreasing and the number of induced abortions is increasing among teenage girls, requires a reappraisal of adolescent reproductive health research. In this study I offer a general review of available information, the sources of which include published and unpublished information and analyses of primary data from national as well as smaller scale surveys in the field, and I develop policy agendas to meet needs from the facts and insights. Special attention is paid to adolescent sexual attitudes, motivations and behavior relating to the prevention of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. The findings imply the importance of promoting sex education in terms of gender equity and equality and forming networks of reproductive health services that focus on adolescents.
Presented in Session 139: Adolescent Reproductive Health in Developed Countries